Right to Left: Kenna Lane-Production Liaison, Riley Unterbug-Historian, Lucy Ward-11/12 Clerk and Big/Little Coordinator, Maya Ware-President, Grant Koch-Special Events Coordinator, Madison Tran-Secretary, Molly Crowder 9/10 Clerk



Thespian Motto – “Act well your part; there all the honor lies.”

—Alexander Pope’s Essay on Man


Thespian Troupe #6069 is a student honor society within the Hebron High School Theatre Arts program that is affiliated with the International Thespian Society (ITS). We have membership meetings once a month and plan activities that enhance our presence in the community.  We are a service organization with a common love of theatre.  You’ll have the chance to work on service projects, support other LISD Theatre programs and encourage other groups in the Hebron High School family.


As a student honor society, membership must be earned. Students who have completed all eligibility requirements and have had their induction fees and information submitted to EdTA by the troupe director are members of the Thespian troupe and the International Thespian Society. To become a Thespian, a student must earn 10 points (the equivalent of 100 hours of excellent work).  Reach for the stars by earning more points toward higher levels of distinction (Honor Thespian, International Thespian, etc.)


Troupe #6069 is governed by bylaws, an Officer Board and the Troupe Director. Our bylaws cover the day-to-day details of troupe operation and include such things as rules of order for troupe meetings, elections, and induction ceremonies. 


Don't wait!  Join us for our first meeting in August and start earning points.

Bigs and Littles Color Families